Planning Services
Guiding our clients through the complexities of the planning systemAt Addison Planning Consultancy we have the knowledge and expertise to guide our clients through the complexities and intricacies of the modern planning system. We work with clients including leading house builders, retailers, developers, property companies, financial institutions, industrial and logistics as well as landed Estates and private individuals.
Pre-Application Enquiries
There is an increasing focus on pre-application discussions with Council’s to ensure that planning applications are well informed and prepared.
Project Management
APC specialise in project managing commercial development proposals through the planning system.
Planning Appraisal
APC will undertake a planning appraisal of your proposal that will it assess it against adopted planning policies, identify the planning issues that will need to be addressed, and quantify the risks and costs associated with attempting to achieve a planning permission
Planning Appeals
In some cases, you may need to resort to the independent appeals process in the event your planning application is refused by a Council. There are alternative methods of making an appeal, including by written representations, hearing or by inquiry.
Development Plan Representations
APC will prepare representations to the Council to promote client’s sites for new development. These representations demonstrate the availability, suitability and deliverability of sites for the proposed use, such as housing.
Section 106 Negotiations
APC will advise you on the likely planning obligations that will be required by a Council as these will have a significant impact on the viability of a project.
Community Consultation
APC will organise and undertake this community engagement on your behalf by consulting with local Councillors and arranging community consultation events.